Please review the following policy agreement prior to your program registration. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kat Studios Policy Agreement
I desire that my child participate in Katstudios Musical Theatre program for which I am registering him / her and allassociated activities, unless I advise the school director otherwise in writing. I agree that, having taken the precautions that, in your discretion, are deemed advisable, the company and its staff will not be held responsible for any sickness or accident to my child. If for any reason my child requires medical attention beyond that furnished by the company, I agree to be responsible for any expense incurred. I covenant and agree to indemnify Kat Studios Theatre, its employees, directors and staff and save them harmless from and with respect to all suits, actions and prosecutions by reason of any activity carried out by my child, whether on or off the premises at which the Theatre Arts programs are held.
I authorize Kat Studios to administer first aid to my child and to secure medical care for my child in an emergency as deemed appropriate by the attending physician(s).
Please note: Kat Studios reserves the right to request withdrawal of a student from the program, at the company’s own discretion, where it is judged that the needs of the particular child cannot be accommodated without a refund. Refund will be issued in these cases for classes / rehearsals not attended in specific circumstances. Please ensure that we are notified well in advance where medical and other related conditions might present an issue with respect to Kat Studios ability to accommodate a particular student.
I consent to the use of the likeness (including still photos and videos) of my child in connection with Kat Studios Triple Threat Musical Theatre Arts programs and related institutional promotional purposes throughout the world and without any compensation.
I expressly release the Theatre Company, its officers, directors, agents, employees, licensees and assigns from and against any and all claims for invasion of privacy, defamation, infringement of copyright or any other cause of action that may arise out of such use.
I hereby irrevocably release Kat Studios Theatre Company from any and all claims for libel and invasion of privacy in connection with the foregoing.
I agree that the Theatre Company and its representatives are permitted to send me occasional e-mails with respect to schedule and location changes; class and camp scheduling reminders and notifications; notifications re new programs, discounts and special promotions; audition opportunities; participation in upcoming productions; early registration discounts; and the like.
I certify that the information provided in this registration form is, to my knowledge, true and complete.
I have read and understood the above waiver and consent and confirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child mentioned herein who is a minor. I confirm that I have the complete custody, care and control of the minor and have the legal authority to agree to this consent and waiver on behalf of the minor and that the consent of no other person or entity is required.
If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please call Kat Studios at 647-973-7202 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm). all of our classes are nut-free; please take this into account if you send snacks along with your child.
About e-mail & SMS: E-mail providers (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) send a large percentage of all e-mails to Spam and Junk Mail folders. We often need to communicate with parents with respect to performance arrangements, open classroom dates, changes to schedule and location, etc. By preference we send these communications via e-mail. Please be aware that these will often go to Spam and Junk mail folders. In order to be sure of receiving communications from us, you will need to check these folders regularly, and also mark received e-mails from us as Non-Spam when you find them there. Alternatively, you can add to your Safe Senders list, if your provider allows for this. Because of the unreliability of e-mail, we will also, at times, use SMS text messaging to communicate information about schedule and location changes, etc.
In compliance with Canadian anti-spam legislation, there is an Unsubscribe option included with every e-mail wesend to you. You can Unsubscribe from our e-mails at any time. Please note the following, however: we do not have the ability to unsubscribe you selectively, and only for particular types of e-mails. The Unsubscribe option is global and permanent. Also: we do not have the capacity, in general, to verify whether or not your e-mail address is Unsubscribed or not. Nor do we have the capacity to re-add your address once it has been Unsubscribed. As a consequence of the above, if you unsubscribe from our e-mails before the start of the program for which you are registered, or during it (as you can do by clicking Unsubscribe on any e-mails from us), you will NOT receive important e-mails we may need to send thereafter regarding student attendance or requirements, procedures, final performances, or last-minute changes to schedules, times or locations. We do try insofar as we can to reach everyone by phone where such changes are required, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to reach all participants.
Registration confirmations will be sent by email, using the email address that you provide on the billing page. Please REPLY to the confirmation email when you receive it so that we can be sure we have your correct email address. This email address will be used for any necessary correspondence before or during the program registered for.
Refund policy: Classes: Up to start of 2nd class of each session: full refund, less $40.00 processing fee. After start o f2nd class of each session: No refunds. It may occasionally happen that an originally scheduled location becomes unavailable to us for unforeseeable reasons; in these cases, we may need to reschedule the program at an alternate location in the vicinity. We make every effort to notify parents as far in advance as possible when a change of this kind occurs; please note, however, that we do not provide refunds based on the occurrence of a location change except in cases where the replacement location is more than fifteen minutes distant (driving time) from the originally scheduled location. Please note also: we send notifications regarding location change by e-mail and follow up where time allows via phone calls. If notification regarding a location change is e-mailed, and no response is received within 30 days, we will assume that the change of location is acceptable to you; no refunds will be issued in this case.
If you have read this agreement please select the “YES” tab under your young performers Registration form online.
Thank you on behalf of Kat Studios.